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Relay for Life

The things that we have done and are planning to do. Just Click on the page button below to go there.

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Information about the 2009 Relay-for-Life event will be up sometime during January.
Until then go to this link for information.

Our Chapter (then) Vice President and the President of the Top Campus Civitan Club (STCC's club)
pose with the Bronze Team award we garnered for our participation in the 2008 Relay-for-Life.
The Campus Civitan Club members assisted us in planning and "maning" the tent during Relay.

If anyone has information, dates, etc. please contact charlie so we don't miss stuff and you or someone can attend meetings.

You used to be able to donate though this link to help our Relay-for-Life TEAM, the STCC Stompers, that walked
May 30 and 31 at Blake Track at Springfield College; REACH THEIR GOAL of $3,000..

the image below we had as the co-captain of the team sought more donations for this worthy cause.

let-all-support-the-stcc-stompers-image link-to-stcc-stomperslink to Springfield Technical Community Collegelink to springfield relaly throubh the stcc-stomperslink to relay-charlie's homepage to donte through his total to the STCC stompers

Click on the images below of the relay event our team was in this year, to see a larger image.
Many of these pictures were submitted by Laurie Littlefield, and we than her for taking them.
Relay-for-Life is an event to raise funds through the American Cancere Society to help in research to end this dreaded disease
Won't you donate again and help us it this cause?

our tent

heaning out to do a lap

our tent
our sign
photo op
out to the track
dunking game
checking in
team provides its own shade
lap indicator
survivors lap
silver lining fund raiser
trustee 2007-2008
inside-lanes STCC stomper running
advisor & team
we have shade
lap indicator
silver lining
student trustee
runners lanes
team identity shown
charlie insited we carry a banner at team laps  --- so all would know the STCC stompers were on the track
drawing baskets spirit
survivor on our team dons a team shirt so all will know she is a STCC stompers team member
the relay is for a good cause, but patriotic as well, see the flag and the track and stage
conversations after a captians meeting while team is hydrating
team members playing, all are one team, regardless of age, we all contribute to the effort
Signs of rain, friday night's darkening skies, we go to get another tent for all the additional team members
team identiy
carrying banner
team spirit
our survivor
talk and liquid
play time
signs & dark sky
Our orange team shirts stood out wherever our team members went on the track, all knew the STCC stompers were present.
The other side of fighting back against cancer, it is a personal battle we dare not lose or slack up on.
team-members play at game at another teams tent, all to raise money to fight cancer.
friday night's meal, by 9PM we had doubles the anticipated team members
Runners and Walkers, all stop for something to eat, making certain one person is on the track at all times
Teri Roberts, a team captain, flipps the burgers for part of friday night's meal
last hot dog goes to charlie, a team captain, at about 9:45PM, all the meat is gone now, we have double the number of people anticipated, and then some.
care givers lap brings on memories, much sorrow, and a need to share amongst those of us who know how painful cancer can be to those of us who cared for but are now left behind.
stompers stand out
fighting back
playing a game
supper friday
all stop to eat
Teri flips
last meat friday
grief consolled
drawing baskets, we made 11 of them !
drawings table volunteer sales folk, everyone takes a turn at this task, with as bright a smile as we can muster.
Relay is a Thumbs Up event for shure, it is work and it is for a good cause, and it can be FUN.
friends, new and old, are met at relay, some graduating, some just comming to college, we are all a big family, and the ties are knit stronger working for and particiapting in relay.
No words can express what is written by a child here, my only response are sobs of sorrow and a prayer for the little one that wrote this.  Won't you donate again and help us "kill" this horrible thing that is cancer so it can not cause pain to any more little ones?
Our Tent, everyone one must be on the track
The eveing gave many a band performace and a would -be singer contemplates the perils of the "gong show".  $1 to get on, but only $5 for someone to "gong" you off.
luminaria, up close and personal, the deepest pains find their way onto these paper bags as the night is lit up by the little candles that speak symbolically of a time when cancer will no longer be a threat that takes people away all to soon.
drawing baskets
ticket sales gal
thumbs up for relay
our tent
a singer ?
gong show at night as we walked by.  Sometimes the stag people would say of our orange shirts--there go the STCC stompers!
As it got darker, the luminara shown brighter, so it is with the memories of the things that those whom cancer has taken from us, as times get darker in our lives, thier words and actions shine brighter in our memories, helping us to "fight on" and "win the day" for their memory and for our children's sake.
Little hands say things us adults just can't bear to mouth, just read the words, are not your only responses to cry a little and shed a tear, even if it is only inside.  Pray and donate and fight against cancer, so little ones do not need to bear the pain that us adults don't even want to talk about.
A small thing, a paper bag with some sand and a votive candle in it.  But witht he words a child or greiving adult places on them, the power is there, the pain that can be expressed no other way is present, and God starts a healing, even amidst the hurt. Will you not help us reach our goal and aid to give cancer the "knock out blow" it deserves?
After the flashlight lap, smores at 4am, the STCC Stompers had at least 6 people on the track at that time.
no grill but our inventive relay leaders still provided smores at 4am, even if they had to do it one marshmellow at a time !
Smores after the flashlight lap, some more views.
More pictures of the smores at 4am.  Is it because we were up at this hour and no one else seemed to be that we think this is so interesting?
"gong show"
they grow brighter
words from a child
why we are here
smores at 4am
grilling smores
more smores
s'more smores
We had to walk a certain number of hours in order to earn our TEAM shirt, so we set out in the begining to do just that.  An orage STCC Stompers shirt means you have walked on the track and have raised money and are committed to assitting us find a "cure" for this horrible thing called cancer.
Local and national teams light up the night with the bright hope of a defeate for cancer.
Luminaria memories shine bright, even as the dawn of a new day begins to break
The luminaria spell it out, like silent fans on the bleachers cheering us on, it is all about   H O P E  !
The coldest part of the night, about 4AM, and with jackets on --- still we walk against cancer, every team is to have one person on the track at all times.  We  of the STCC Stompers have had at least 3 people all night long.
A city of walkers, some resting while others maintain the walk, fighting back and hoping for a cure for cancer.   Soon the light of a new day will be dawning, wake up folks, at least 10 more hours to walk until the closing ceremonies and final laps.
Only the child that wrote this knows all about it.  I do not know the people.  I just cry a whole lot when I view this image.  Dear God, help us find a cure for "cancer" and sooth the tender hearts of the little ones so hurt by "taking away" those that they love.  As I said, my words fail me, all I can do is cry a prayer to God for this little one and her pain.
Soon the light of dawn will show a new day, and yet the luminaria do their job, and bring light to a darkened night.
earning a shirt
local-national teams
brightening the night
H - O - P - E
cold but walking
city of walkers
I love you
new day dawning
When all else blurrs, and we are tired and our feet, whole legs, hurt  --- still the luminaria on the bleachers remind us of the HOPE that we have and that we MUST press on with this fight against cancer, for many WE ARE THEIR HOPE as we walk on and raise money to fight cancer.  Please give another donation today.
Dawns light gleams anew and yet the fading luminaria remind us that HOPE is still what this is all about
Awaken your sleepy heads, join us in the final 9 hours of walking to raise money to beat cancer, and give it the "knock out" punch.
Alexis says it all, the hope is in finding a cure for cancer.  And a littel child shall lead them, the scripture says.
The image may be blurry, like our memories of smores at 4am, but we can hardly wait to tell our sleeping team mates of what the night walking was like.
The early morning light comes and the brightness of the luminaria fades but sometimes we can read the faint letters a bit better as the dawn comes, and the painful wish, the HOPE, for a cure is evident in the words of every one.  May we not forget the luminaria, nore thier writers, nor the people they honored and memorialized.  May we renew our effors, donate anew, and fight back today and every day against cancer.
Innocent letters by a little hand, tell of love that most of us adults can't fathom.  I pray and cry and sob some more and plead with God to provide us a cure for cancer and some healing for those little ones so deeply hurt by cancer.
kaitlyn says I love you daddy, and I who have never had a child, cry my heart out.  Oh please donate again, help us kill this thing called cancer so the kaitlyns of this world do not have the loss of a loved one to scare thier lives any more.
blurry & understood
a new day
Alexis - HOPE
night memories
dawn & luminaria
heart of a child
kaitlyn says
The luminaria says "we walk for you Mommy".  I challenge you, can you look at this image and not have a tear come up in your eyes?  I break down and bawl like a little baby.  Please, do what you can to end this horrible thing that is cancer.   I would that NO child had to walk for a Mommy, but that she walked with her Mommy.  This luminaria alone is enough reason to raise money and do what you can to fight back and give cancer the ending blow.
The luminaria llights the way and tells of memories, of hopes, of dreams.  It is now up to you and I to find the funds to do the research and put and end to that horrible thing from the pits of Hell called cancere.
Messages of memories, it is now time for us all to "fight back" with all that is within us, to find a cure for cancer and heal the hearts of those so scarred by it.
A boy scout explorer troop demonstrates thier fire fightiing skills and shows thier compassion by being at relay.
Our relay ends, but for you this may be just the begining.  We pass the torch and ask you to run forward calling out to all you go by to donate to end cancer as a threat to the lives of all and the pain of little ones in our lifetime.  Donate today!!!
We walk 4u Mommy
gone - to soon
memories - hope
boy scouts
END and start

Click here to see our page about images or past STCC Stompers Relay-for-Life teams.

We have used up the alloted space on our server for this and will probably only keep the images here up for the summer.
But if we get more space we will put them somewhere for you to view. If, perchance, you object to your picture being
on this website, do contact charlie at, and he will take that image off the website promptly.

click here to go back to the main page

or click on the seal below to go to our college website

stcc seal and name image

news release for last spring's induction

Our Relay for Life (American Cancer Society FundRaiser) Homepage as the STCC Stompers


email the web-team